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Nicole Crockett’s Avatar

Nicole Crockett

Global Markets
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Hoboken, New Jersey
5 Answers
6718 Reads
1 Karma

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Richard’s Avatar
Richard Aug 14, 2018 1001 views

What is it that colleges look for in undergraduate admission applications?


bryant’s Avatar
bryant Jan 16, 2018 1197 views

What is the best way for long and short terms saving for new adults?

how should we prepare our self so that we can be financially stable as possible thru out our lives? Also if tragedy strikes how to combat it head-on. #money-management #money #savings #financial-planning

Somaiya’s Avatar
Somaiya Jul 01, 2021 3048 views

Financial advice for current 18 year olds. How should we begin to accrue our wealth?

Hello, I am turning 18 this year and I am thinking of ways to be more financially independent. Moreso what steps I should be taking at this age to build and compound my wealth for the future. Let me know! #finance #money

Aiyana’s Avatar
Aiyana Aug 04, 2021 1130 views

How do you stay motivated while running a business as a teenage entrprenuer?

#business #entrepreneur #management

Aldo’s Avatar
Aldo Jul 30, 2021 1618 views

What is the first step to step out of my comfort zone?

I’m trying to learn new things but I’m not sure where to start off. I’ll take any tips. #finance