Bryan’s Career Goals
I will be majoring in computer science in college. I look forward to the opportunities to learn more about programming and tech through internship opportunities and college courses.

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How does someone prepare for a computer science field career?
What are some things that I need to prepare for when I'm looking for a computer science field career? I'm interested in knowing what credential I need, the skills, etc.

What are some steps in college to prepare for a computer science career field?
I am a soon-to-be graduating high school student who will major in computer science. I know that I will be taking computer science courses, but what other things do I need to do, such as internships.

How do people in computer science career field keep up with the changing preferences of programming languages?
#computer-science #computer #programming

What should I study in college to get a career in computer science?
I plan to have a career related to computer science. I'm curious at what classes I would need to take in college to achieve my career goal. Is there other classes I need to take beside computer science classes in college?
#college #computer-programming

What are some career paths in computer science?
I am a Senior in high school and am passionate about computer science. I want to expand my computer science skills and possibly get a future career in this field. What are some career paths related to computer science?
#computer-science #computer-programming