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Miami, Florida
11 Questions
412 Karma

hargun’s Career Goals

I want to work as a RN in America and settle here as an immigrant because. I would love to explore different career opportunities available in Nursing

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hargun Sep 15, 2021 541 views

What VISA do you apply for as a international student who is looking to take a job as a nurse?

I know that because RN is not considered a strictly undergraduate degree because you can become a RN without a degree, sometimes we don't qualify for H1 B visa so what VISA can I qualify for and apply for?


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hargun Sep 15, 2021 654 views

What does a RN job application process look like?

I am an international student studying Nursing in Miami and I have no idea what to expect of the job application process to look like.

#nursing #nurse #nursing-education #medicine #college #nursing-application #registered-nurse

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hargun Sep 15, 2021 1975 views

What are some good study habits that will help me in a rigourous major

Hey, I am a nursing student and I never developed any good study habits because ei would do well or at least pass by studying 2 days before the exam but that has not been enough with nursing and I am scared of failing #studyhabits #college #university #nursingstudent #nursing #healthcaremajor...

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hargun Sep 15, 2021 2992 views

Tips for passing the NCLEX

I am a nursing student who will graduate in May 2022 and I am scared about my ability to be able to pass and clear the NCLEX exam so I appreciate any tips that you have #nurse #college-advice #college #healthcare #nursing

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hargun Sep 15, 2021 482 views

Can you work a different job during OPT than what you studied for in College?

OPT Is for international students and we were told it must be related to your area of study but what if I volunteer in my area of study and do another job, can that work out?


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hargun Sep 15, 2021 629 views

How to figure out your interest and speciality as a new nurse (RN)

I graduate in May 2022 and I want to work for a year before I go back to school for my masters and I want to use that year in figuring out what I would want to do and what my interests are when considering different specialities etc

#psychology #college #medicine #healthcare #nursing

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hargun Sep 15, 2021 827 views

How do I become a string applicant when applying for masters in Nursing?

I graduate in May 2022 and I want to get a year of experience before applying for masters in nursing and was wondering what I can do to ensure my success in the application process

#graduate-school #healthcare #nurse #nursing #college #masters #registered-nurses

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hargun Sep 15, 2021 1081 views

Is there a different VISA Process for International students with healthcare related jobs? or do we have to do the lottery system with H1 B also?

I am a nursing student and it doesn't count as a STEM degree so I only have one year of OPT

#healthcare #college #university #internationalstudent #opt

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hargun Sep 15, 2021 552 views

Any tips for a new graduate nurse (RN) looking for jobs?

I graduate in May 2022 and am terrified of whether or not I will be able to get a job. As an international student, me staying in America is dependent on that

#nursing #graduate-school #job #healthcare

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hargun Sep 15, 2021 1194 views

How hard is it to do a Masters in Nursing?

Is it hard to get into the Masters programs and how hard is it to actually get the masters, I know that each exam has a higher passing rate when it comes to Masters so I was wondering

#college #nursing #degree

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hargun Sep 15, 2021 543 views

How do I get started when looking for Jobs and what things to look at

Hey, I am an international Nursing student and I need to get a job asap after graduating so i can stay here but i have no clue where to even start looking for jobs or when is a good time to start or what to look for in jobs when I apply. #nursing #job-search #job #internationalstudent...