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Summerville, South Carolina
2 Questions
61 Karma

madeline’s Career Goals

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madeline’s Avatar
madeline Oct 08, 2021 486 views

What is the week like for a dietician. Such as work hours, family time, stress, etc.

I wouldnt mind working long hours but i do value family and friend time, so i would like a job where i can balance my work life and home life. I also want to live with as least stress as possible so i dont want to put myself in a career with that. #time-management #stressfree...

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madeline Oct 08, 2021 1040 views

I am in tenth grade and just recently started thinking about my future. Based on my interests i'm wondering, what should i do to gain more knowledge?

I am interested in the medical field but im still unsure what i definitely want #medicine #healthcare . I like the idea of dietetics and nutrition but I dont know a lot about it and want to learn more. #dietetics I was thinking about programs and volunteering to learn more before i go to...