Career questions tagged dietetics

What are the various career paths available for those studying nutrition?
I am transitioning to a new career and returning to school to pursue a degree in dietetics, to become a registered dietitian. I am interested in learning more about potential career paths. What path did you choose and why?

Dietitian Questions
Hello! I really want to do something in the medical field, and one of my options is to become a dietitian. My questions are: 1. Can I get a PhD for it? 2. If so, what are the differences between a regular dietitian and a dietitian with a PhD (e.g., difference in salary, difference in what they do, etc.)? Thank you!

What actually is dietetics?
I want to be a dietician for a pro sports team but I wanna know more about the field before I go into it. What type of jobs can you get being a dietician?

What other ways do Dietitians help others?
Besides telling them to eat healthier, what other ways do dietitians do to help people with there health?

I have found two careers that are of interest to me these are Dietician and Adapted Physical Education Specialist but I do not know a whole lot about either occupation does anyone have any knowledge of these professions?
I like these because I am into my own physical health and I would love to help other people.

How can I become a Registered Dietitian?
Hey! I was wondering if anyone on here could tell me the process of how to become a registered dietician! Nutrition has always been something I've been interested in, and it would also be helpful if I was informed of other career paths I could take in this field other than an RD. I was also wondering what I could do in high school, such as volunteering and organizations that I can join, that are related to dietetics or nutrition. I can't seem to find any :( Thanks a lot!

What are some good pointers for someone looking to get into the dietetics field?
What are some good pointers for someone looking to get into the dietetics field? Looking for things to grow outside the education aspect.

I am in tenth grade and just recently started thinking about my future. Based on my interests i'm wondering, what should i do to gain more knowledge?
I am interested in the medical field but im still unsure what i definitely want #medicine #healthcare . I like the idea of dietetics and nutrition but I dont know a lot about it and want to learn more. #dietetics I was thinking about programs and volunteering to learn more before i go to college. #internship

What can I get involved in to help my application to a dietetics program look better?
#college #science #college-selection #internship #dietetics #nutrition

How easy is it to transition to a career in dietetics?
I am transitioning from a high school biology teaching career. I was a biology major in undergrad, and now I am returning to school for a second degree in dietetics. Thankfully, some of my previous courses count toward the dietetics degree. #dietitian

How to get a head start in becoming a dietitian?
Hello, my name is Caitlin and I am going to be a sophomore in college. I just went and enrolled at Kansas state University and when I talked to my advisor she told me that this is a very competitive field. I have gone and job shadowed and I know this is exactly what I want to do. I just need some advice on how to get a head start. I want to be the best at my job. I'm just not sure what kind of things I could be doing now to help me in the future. Thank you! #nutrition #dietitian #nutritionist #dietetics #diet

Good location for a dietitian?
Hello, my name is Caitlin and I am going to be a sophomore in college. I know where I would like to live, but what is a good location for a dietitian to live and make enough money for living? I don't want to struggle and I want to be successful. I would love to be a well known dietitian. Thoughts on good locations to consider? #college #career #career-counseling #dietitian #nutritionist #dietetics #nutrion