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Ameer Bacchus’s Avatar

Ameer Bacchus

Mechanical Engineering
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Spring, Texas
3 Answers
1712 Reads
21 Karma

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Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Nov 03, 2021 615 views

should I still apply too out of state schools or schools far away from my house even if I don't have the money for it?

#college #financial-aid #school #college-selection #university

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 06, 2016 1126 views

How do I get a biomedical engineering degree?

I am interested in getting a biomedical engineering degree, but I do not know the classes I have to take or other things I have to do to get one. #engineer #biology

abishek’s Avatar
abishek Oct 27, 2021 472 views

what are the career option available for undergraduate mechanical engineer?

I am planning to study mechanical engineering. I am lacking knowledge about the career option