Gerard Baltrusaitis

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Is it better to pursue a career that will bring you happiness or one to bring you money?
Some people believe it is better to pursue a job that'll bring you happiness but maybe not enough money to keep you comfortable. On the other hand you could argue that you'd be happier in a job you don't necessarily enjoy but brings in a ton of money. What's your opinion? #career-choice...

How do you reconcile between following your passion and choosing a career that can support you financially?
Hello! I am a recent college graduate (got my BA), and I've been recently doing some deep soul searching in terms of life purpose and mission. There is a part of me that wants to go straight for things that I'm interested in but at the same time, I do want to be practical and be in a...

How old should I be when I get my first formal job?
Many people have work experience such as in sales or being a waiter when they are very young. Is that important? I don't know what I want to do longer term with my future, but I think it would help me to know how old I should be when I get my first job. Is there a "general" answer to this...

What should I include in planning my career?
I want to plan for my career so I have a time goal #career-counseling #career-development

Is taking a semester off for an internship a good choice?
As part of my school's Accounting and Taxation Honor Program, there is a requirement to take the winter semester of our senior year off for an internship. This internship will give me an insight into the accounting field as well as possibly landing me a job after college. All my financial aid...

Why are accountants usually the first career that people associate with miserable and bored people?
From my teacher, counselor, to my mentor/boss, all have told me that I need to be 100% sure that accounting is the right path for me. They then will go on to cite examples of accountants that they know who are miserable and hates waking up to go to work each day. Why are accountants always...

Is there a better career outlook to double major in accounting and a computer related major (CIS) or accounting and a language major (Chinese)?
I soon have to declare my major in order to sort out the necessary courses with my college adviser for the upcoming years. However, I am stumped. I have always intended to major in accounting and a computer related major like Computer Informational System, but recently I started hearing about...

What sort of college degree would allow me to find a career traveling the world?
starting college this fall for international business degree. I want to see the world so i figured this will be my path to do that and make money at the same time. so i am wondering if there are any other college/ career paths to achieve a career traveling the world #college #career...