Katherine Hafner
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What is the hardest thing about pharmacy school?
I really want to be a pharmacist but i fear the obstacles. #college #pharmacy #pharmacist #hardest

Is going to medical school abroad a better decision than studying in the United States?
I know that med school is on the high end expense wise no matter where you go, but if I were to study abroad, would the savings be outweighed by the stigma of going out of the country and the loss of opportunities to do interning/rotations in the US? Would the quality of education be similar?...

How many years of schooling would it take a pharmacist to finish school?
I would like to become a pharmacist #doctor #pharmacist

If I decide I no longer wanted to be a registered nurse, what other career options could I have with that schooling?
I fear I may change my mind in the future about being a RN if I don't enjoy what I'm doing.
#nursing #careers-in-healthcare

If I get my Associates degree in health sciences, what will be the benefit of getting my Bachelors degree? Will it be just a raise, or will there be more?
I am going for my Associates degree and was wondering what the advantages of getting my bachelors degree would be other than it looks good behind my name. #healthcare #health #degree #bachelor #associates-degree #health-science