Izabel’s Career Goals
My dream career is to be a marine rehabilitator. Currently, I am looking to go to college studying marine biology, environmental science, and wildlife conservation. The career I am looking to achieve more easily is in wildlife conservation, writing research articles.
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What are the best colleges for wildlife conservation/ biology and marine biology in Ohio, Kentucky, or Indiana?
#marine-biology #biology #science #animals #zoology #college #career #wildlife #conservation

How should I study in college to become a wildlife conservationist who tracks animals and writes articles on them?
#animals #college #career #major #minor #wildlife #conservation

My dream careers are centered around wildlife rehabilitation and conservation. However, I am not sure what the best majors and minors are for this field (environmental science, biology, wildlife conservation, etc.). Has anyone had this same experience? Can anyone who has these careers give me advice for what to major and minor in?
#biology #career #science #major #environmental #wildlife #conservation #job #minor