Jordi Adoumie
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What/where do I learn in coding/programming before I go to college?
If I am going to learn more about coding in college what should I do beforehand to prepare?

What 2 or 3 coding languages should i study?
I have heard many coding languages but what are the 2 or 3 most used so I can study those in particular once i start studying them. If I'm not mistaken, JavaScript and python are commonly used.

How did you get started coding?
In class we are discussing career opportunities and are trying to find information on different careers.

how should i get into coding? what is the best coding language for jobs?
Hello, I am in University and I am interested in pursuing an occupation involving coding. I am not sure where to begin my journey and how/when to apply for jobs. I am unsure which is the best coding language to learn for successful jobs with a stable income. #coding #technology #computer-science

What are some pros and cons working as a computer scientist?
I am in high school, and I like computer science. #computer-science