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Domenica Lella’s Avatar

Domenica Lella

IT Specialist
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bari, Italy
4 Answers
3733 Reads
2 Karma

Active Locations

Colin’s Avatar
Colin Oct 21, 2016 2967 views

Do you prefer frontend or backend of your Computer Science oriented job? Why?

I am asking this because I am trying to discern which one I will prefer. I do not have very much knowledge or resources regarding which one will be more beneficial to what I would want to do. #computer-science #computer #japan #java #python #javascript

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Feb 18, 2018 1466 views

Job for self-taught junior java developer?

What is the best way for a self-taught Java developer without degree in computer science to get hands on the real project to gain experience?

Dante’s Avatar
Dante Sep 15, 2021 996 views

What are some tips on learning and improving on coding java?

I am junior and have just started to learn about Java. #computer-programming #Java #high school

Anderson’s Avatar
Anderson Sep 28, 2021 660 views

Are there different requirements for different type of teachers like elementary, middle, high school etc.

I like food, and like teaching. I hope to be any type besides history and science. Just math or English. #teaching #math #teacher