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Kamryn’s Avatar


Champaign, Illinois
2 Questions
91 Karma

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Kamryn’s Avatar
Kamryn May 13, 2016 1160 views

What types of class would you recommend taking to become a film director? Would you suggest traveling abroad for a semester?

I would like to know what classes to take to better my college experience and give me the best opportunities and skills to be a successful film director. #business #art #film #travel #classes #movies

Kamryn’s Avatar
Kamryn May 13, 2016 1438 views

How easy is it to break into the film industry as one a female and two an Asian?

I am currently on the track of being a film student, and when I graduate I would like to get a job working for a film industry. However I would like to know hard much of a challenge it will be. #art #film #movies #cinematography #camera #business-art