Career questions tagged movies

What are some good opportunities to get into the film industry?
I am in the 11th grade looking for ways to get more involved in the film industry, I am interested in the behind the scenes work.

What was the process to get to where you guys are today?
I'm a 11th grader, and I'm also interested in the film field because I think it's fun to make stories through a movie or shows.

how do I become a feature film director?
what is some schooling required for the job, what are some ways to break into the industry, what are common starting points for directing, what are popular film schools to look into

How much money can I expect to make doing short film movies in high school?
what type of GPA do I have to maintain to be able to do acting, in school or out of school?

I am interested in the world of cinema, and I created a wonderful movie story that I worked on for months. I am creative in making stories and I have a passion for turning this story into a movie. But how can I communicate with international production companies to present the idea to them I am looking for a reliable person to help me?
if you are interested, pleas contact me

How can I explore as a film maker?
I'm currently a film editor that can alsom build new concepts. What can I do to be more creative and get job opportunities in film industry.

Where should I intern if I’m interested in film?
Where should I intern If I want to have a job in cinema. I live in a small town but would really want some background experience to help in college and to put on my resume.

How do you get your first job on a film crew (likely as a PA) ?
I know it's hard to get there, but then most people say it snowballs to further jobs.

What does a film director do?
How do I start building the skills needed to be a film director?

How to keep coming up with ideas for a sitcom series? #Spring 2024
I am 16 and writing a TV sitcom to make on my high school stage with sets, costumes, makeup and the lot. I am also the lead actor, the director and producing it. I have 21 episode ideas, the first two fully scripted. What is the best way to keep the creative juices flowing with a hectic high school schedule, and get more episode ideas.

How movie?
How do directors land jobs in the film industry? Additional I was curious on how directors reach out to actors to star in their films. Do they have connections?

How often do you work on creating a Movie, Musical, Play or Tv Show? Late Nights, Early Mornings? How much money does it take and how much do you make based off of when people see the movies?
I'm looking for answers for a Career Project. Any and all answers are great. Thanks so much!

Is it true that nearly 65% of all film directors only make 1 film in their whole life??
I recently read this statistic and it has shocked me. Am I doomed to only put one art piece into this world? The expectation for becoming a director is fame but still. I mean I want to make many movies and the idea of only being able to make one sounds completely hope-crushing. On the other end of the spectrum, I read that there is one director who made 150 movies and another who made 15 in one year. Obviously, this doesn't indicate quality but if someone can make 15 movies in one year, then it gives me some level of hope. Input?

How can I make good movies without them taking me years?
My interest in filmmaking started with Quentin Tarantino. He is a genius and I love his movies, but his career has also scared me in a way. He has only made 10 movies and he has been making films for decades. His movie reservoir dogs only took like three weeks to write and yet it took three years for the movie to be made start to finish. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't want to spend years on one project. I want to make lots of movies and the idea of spending years of my life for one movie just terrifies me. Any advice to sort of calm these nervous thoughts?

How to get funding for student film projects.?
As I student I'd like to know how to fund my first project.

How do you start your own film company?
What are the steps to becoming a movie/film director? Where do I go with my ideas?

How do you become a successful screenwriter and how to make any person fall in love with your work?
My name is Terrell and I’m a sophomore in high school my goal is to get in to a college with a great screen writing program so I can be somebody when I grow up.

Do I have to stick to just one thing?
I know that I want to go into the entertainment industry but I’m not sure if I want to animate, direct, or act. Is it possible to do all three and still be successful? Also if I can’t but I’m also not sure which I want to stick with, what should I do when selecting my major?

What can I do to get more experience in film?
How do I get into the field of film making without any experience? And what can I do to get experience?

What does a week look like for a film director?
how many hours of work or sleep are these days when more work is done than others if u miss a day what can happen

What is the typical salary for filmmaking? Would having another career affect your main job?
If you were to be a filmmaker would having another job interfere with a side job

What jobs in the film industry deal with the music and soundtrack of a film?
I really love music and film. What jobs in the film industry control and choose the music used in a film's soundtrack? Is composing the soundtrack for a film an actual job?

Is attending film school necessary to work in the film industry?
I've heard people argue that film school is a waste of time and you can succeed in the film industry without going to school. What are the benefits of attending film school? Is it hard to find work in the film industry if you do not attend film school?

Editing on computer?
what editing software is best for producing films on a chromebook?

what jobs are stable in film/tv?
i want to pursue film production but it seems like a risky industry. Are there more stable jobs surrounding film/tv?

What is the daily life for a camera operator can someone describe it to me?
Im a senior in high school and What’s the day in the life of a camera operator/videographer for a film company or in any editing firm?