Career questions tagged camera

What is the daily life for a camera operator can someone describe it to me?
Im a senior in high school and What’s the day in the life of a camera operator/videographer for a film company or in any editing firm?

How can I get involved in being a photographer ?
I love to take pictures and edit them if needed. I only take them on my mobile device, because I do not have an actual camera to take pictures. I feel like I need to learn about the different cameras and which one would fit me. Any camera would be helpful, I just have to learn about them and the different models they have. #camera #pictures #photography #learning

What is the best way to learn more about editing photos in Photoshop?
I love taking photos and I own a DSLR camera. I want to learn more editing techniques, especially on Adobe Photoshop. I am looking to own the program, but it looks like it is a yearly fee now. I am wondering if there is a way that I can just own the product totally, and what tools I can use to learn more about the program. #DSLR #Camera #photography #photoshop #adobe-photoshop #art

Why isn't there a fast track program for all majors?
I am a photography major and I went to Loyola University for my first two years and decided to move home to finish an Associates degree. I moved home mainly because of my money situation. I hoped that by finishing my associates I would be able to find a job that I would like to turn into a career. Now I am going back to Loyola and hopefully graduating with a Bachelors in Studio Art, but I am still paying all this money. I just want to understand why I need general education classes to complete a major in something that doesn't require all those classes. I understand maybe a tier one class but tier two should be optional especially if it doesn't pertain to your major. #photography #expensive #camera #art #loyola #communitycollege #undergrad #fasttrack #college-advice

if photography a good job?
How do you know photography will be a good choice for a career? #career #photography #camera

How do I become a camera man at professional sports events?
I think it would super fun to be a camera man at NFL, NBA, or NHL game. What does it take? #sports #football #basketball #baseball #video-production #espn #camera

How easy is it to break into the film industry as one a female and two an Asian?
I am currently on the track of being a film student, and when I graduate I would like to get a job working for a film industry. However I would like to know hard much of a challenge it will be. #art #film #movies #cinematography #camera #business-art

What camera and lens would be good for blogging?
I'm a complete beginner to photography, but I'm open to learning and improving my skills. I want a camera that can auto focus, make minimum shutter noise, can also be used for taking videos. I don't mind the make of the camera, it can be anything from Canon to Samsung. But, aside from my own preferences, I would also like to know what camera and lenses you use for everyday pictures and let me know, what makes them great for photo taking? And if you have any tips, let me know :) anything from dealing with dim lighting to fast movement objects. #camera #lens #dslr