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Gerardo Hernandez’s Avatar

Gerardo Hernandez

Pharmacist Intern
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Amarillo, Texas
5 Answers
10947 Reads
11 Karma

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Jillian’s Avatar
Jillian Apr 11, 2022 886 views

I want to choose a certain major but my parents don't agree with the one I'm choosing. What should I do?

I want to major in animal health science but my parents think business is more useful in life.

ashley’s Avatar
ashley Apr 11, 2022 637 views

College majors

Have you switched majors in college before? If so, how was the process?

Anita’s Avatar
Anita Apr 14, 2022 927 views

What should I accomplish junior year of high school in order to secure a good college?

I plan to be a first-gen grad in the U.S.- because of this, I don't know who to ask question about stuff like this. What should I try to accomplish my junior year?

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Apr 15, 2022 2306 views

Are there benefits to doing extra curricular activities in college?

I know that doing extracurricular activities in high school help with getting into a better college but once I'm in college is there any real benefits that they give me other than personal things?

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Apr 15, 2022 6308 views

Should I choose the college that's better overall or better for my major?

I sometimes wonder if my major will be better in a college that's deemed worse compared to other colleges and so should I go with the college that is considered better, or the college that is better for my major.