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Tammy Weis’s Avatar

Tammy Weis

Physician Assistant
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Saint Marys, Pennsylvania
4 Answers
3760 Reads
1 Karma

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Anita’s Avatar
Anita May 06, 2022 1894 views

Can you take prerequisite courses at a community college whilst in high school?

Just wondering if this would be possible- I understand it might vary on the school.

jaycea’s Avatar
jaycea May 05, 2022 534 views

What would be the best time to enroll in college to learn about becoming a surgeon ?

What would be the best time to enroll in college to learn about becoming a surgeon ?

Jamarquai’s Avatar
Jamarquai Apr 27, 2022 519 views

What are the stress levels?

What are the stress levels that you deal with in your career and how do you handle it?

Erika’s Avatar
Erika Apr 27, 2022 798 views

Have you ever had a brain injury patient recently in the last six months?

I want to become a neuropsychologist and I am majoring in Biology.