Ryan’s Career Goals
I want to be a Software developer at NASA
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Thank you for your help!
For all people that have been helping me with my other questions, thank you because it is really helping! Especially the people that have answered multiple.

what should i do now?
im 12 and am wondering what i should do right now to get ready for my software developer job whether im at nasa or not.

What is the difference between these 2 jobs?
Hi im thinking about being a software developer but I keep on seeing software engineer. What are the cons and pros of a software engineer vs a software developer? Also thank you for all the help you guys have given me especially Randy Tolentino.

What 2 or 3 coding languages should i study?
I have heard many coding languages but what are the 2 or 3 most used so I can study those in particular once i start studying them. If I'm not mistaken, JavaScript and python are commonly used.

How do i get in to NASA as a software Developer?
I want to be a NASA Software Developer but i dont know exactly what i should do to have a high chance to get in

What did you do to become a software developer and what was your salary because of that?
What did you do to become a software developer and what was your salary because of that. Im slowly getting pieces of what it would be like to be a software developer.

What is the normal day as a software developer like?
Im 12 and was thinking about my future job in class as a project. My main one was to become a software bc its interesting and i already started coding