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Michael Strollo’s Avatar

Michael Strollo

Systems Integration & Design
Healthcare Support Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Red Bank, New Jersey
3 Answers
3183 Reads
11 Karma

Active Locations

Leviticus’s Avatar
Leviticus May 26, 2022 699 views

One career goal of mine is to run my own tech repair shop.

I think i could achieve this goal within the next few years.

Corvon’s Avatar
Corvon May 31, 2022 1164 views

What is like in life of an technologies

What time do you wake up.what are the people like there. do you fix computer or promgram them.

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan May 27, 2022 1530 views

What is the difference between these 2 jobs?

Hi im thinking about being a software developer but I keep on seeing software engineer. What are the cons and pros of a software engineer vs a software developer? Also thank you for all the help you guys have given me especially Randy Tolentino.