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Kayana’s Avatar


New Delhi, Delhi, India
7 Questions
636 Karma

Kayana’s Career Goals

I believe in short-term goals. Although, I don't particularly know what I am gonna do after High School I do want to study abroad. I feel like it's one of the best ways to spend those years. I am still a little blurry on details like where what and all but I am determined and can't wait for your advice. I'm interested in business, finance, accounts, studying-aboard, reading, etc.

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Kayana Jun 21, 2022 3181 views

What are the best universities to study business, finance, accounting?

I have heard about Harvard way too often, but it seems overly competitive and expensive.

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Kayana Jun 21, 2022 1892 views

What are some of the best countries to study abroad?


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Kayana Jun 21, 2022 645 views

I have this dream to study aboard after completing high school and pursue something in business and finance. What are your views about that?

I have talked to people, and they all seem to think that this is a great and passionate idea. I want some guidance on the best universities which are not too expensive and if it is, scholarships are provided.

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Kayana Jun 21, 2022 854 views

I need some names of sites, where I can enhance my extracurriculars this summer online.

I have tried Coursera, but the courses are paid. For online volunteering, I want some short-term online opportunities, if anybody can help me, that would really help.

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Kayana Jun 19, 2022 1310 views

What are some possible careers for commerce with math students?

#careeroptions #commerce #business #college

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Kayana Jun 19, 2022 895 views

Where can I find internships?

I want to do internships but part-time with less commitment as I am already swamped with my previous duties. Any ideas where can I find high school internships like this? doesn't matter whether paid or unpaid.

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Kayana Jun 19, 2022 709 views

I want to enhance my extra-curriculums from home for college, but don't know where to start. Any advice?

I want to do something this summer to learn new skills as well as better my chances in the best colleges around the world. I am a business student.