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Elmhurst, Illinois
4 Questions
381 Karma

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Kathleen’s Avatar
Kathleen May 19, 2016 1290 views

What kind of salary can I make after college with a degree in Economics?

I know there are many different career paths for people with degrees in Economics but from your experience, what kinds of salaries are available to recent graduates with degrees in Econ? #business #finance #accounting #job #economics #salary #financial-planning

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Kathleen May 17, 2016 1873 views

What is the best way to stand out amongst other applicants?

When applying to internships and jobs, what are the best and most important ways to make yourself stand out from the pool of applicants? #internships #job-search #resume #job-applications

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Kathleen May 17, 2016 2269 views

How important is your GPA when applying for jobs?

Do employers who have a lot of applicants narrow down their search by looking at GPA? #job-search #resume #gpa #job-applications #competition

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Kathleen May 17, 2016 1981 views

What can you do with a Bachelor's degree in Economics?

I am pursuing a bachelor's degree in Economics with a minor in Business, what kind of career options are there for Econ majors? #business #finance #accounting #economics #investment