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Alok Goel’s Avatar

Alok Goel

Machine Learning Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Redwood City, California
4 Answers
6117 Reads
1 Karma

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Shiloh’s Avatar
Shiloh May 10, 2018 1256 views

What mindset do you carry with you wherever you are?

Whether at work, school, the store, what mindset do you carry and how do you think having that mindset affects your life and the people around you?
#justwondering #mindfulness #impact

Yash’s Avatar
Yash Nov 09, 2020 3751 views

I tend to get distracted very easily. How do I train my mind to steer away from such thoughts and focus on the task at hand?

#mindfulness #focus

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan May 26, 2022 1856 views

What 2 or 3 coding languages should i study?

I have heard many coding languages but what are the 2 or 3 most used so I can study those in particular once i start studying them. If I'm not mistaken, JavaScript and python are commonly used.