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Boca Raton
2 Questions
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Xavier ’s Avatar
Xavier May 19, 2016 999 views

How often in the real world does you major apply to your actual job? and How does a major limit the type of jobs you can have?

Many times I have met people with a major in one thing but they end up getting hired to do the complete opposite ad don't understand how they qualify for that job. #engineer #mechanical-engineer

Xavier ’s Avatar
Xavier May 19, 2016 1395 views

For a person with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, how long does it take to find a job in the current job market? and how smooth is the transition form college life to this job setting?

I am currently a high school senior at Boca Raton Community High School, and have been accepted at Florida Atlantic University and I hope to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering. #engineer #mechanical-engineer