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Amani Bass’s Avatar

Amani Bass

Client Service Associate
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Charlotte, North Carolina
5 Answers
8934 Reads
11 Karma

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Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Mar 27, 2018 1699 views

How do I balance spending and saving?

My instinct is to spend only what I have to, then spend the rest on luxuries. What are some strategies for developing healthy financial practices? #college-advice
#personal-finance #savings

Paige Anderson’s Avatar
Paige Jul 10, 2018 2262 views

What tips do you have to increase productivity in the morning?

For those of us that aren't morning people, are there any tips or recommended habits that you may have to be as productive as possible for morning classes, assignments, and work? #productivity #habits #earlymornings

jackie’s Avatar
jackie Sep 07, 2022 1441 views

I am unsure of what I want my future career to be but I know that I want to be in the medical/health field. What degree/courses should I take in uni?

I am scared that I won't get anywhere in life because I'm very indecisive. My first choice was to do nursing but I didn't want to waste my money and time when later on I decide to quit. so I want to find a degree that allows me to have more options in career choices. and just a background story...

Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve Sep 05, 2022 4195 views

What should I do if I don't get an internship?

I will graduate in May 2023. I've been looking around for accounting internships in my local area and remotely, without much success. If I'm unable to secure an internship, should I get a part-time job, or should I do something else?

LeAndrew’s Avatar
LeAndrew Jun 29, 2022 867 views

I would like to know for a sales agent and financial services what values does your company look for in a person they are hiring ?

sales agent and financial services