Career questions tagged personal-finance

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Debbie243 views

How can I get a job teaching Personal Finance through a local bank or credit union?

How can I get a job teaching Personal Finance through a local bank or credit union?

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Rashmitha932 views

What strategies can help me be financially stable early on?

I've noticed my parents always struggling with finances due to their spending habits and lack of financial understanding. I want to avoid this for myself at all costs and was wondering how I can implement good saving and financial habits early on to avoid falling into the same debt situation myself. I want to live without worrying about money but also have the ability to spend on wants occasionally. I will start college Fall of 2025 and I will be paying for college all alone with perhaps some financial aid from college because of cutting contact from my parents and not having parental support for separate reasons. However, I still want to make good financial decisions so I don't spend my life in crushing loans and debt. I have no knowledge of finances, cards or banking related stuff, so I would love to learn all there is to know.

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james1220 views



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Shannon1037 views

What if I hate college?

What if I hate college and then go into debt for nothing?

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Jenifer535 views

What is the best way to know if your financial stable for college?

How to know what college is best for you? How do you get financial help? How can you avoid student debt?

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Kayla550 views

What should i do about college if i want to become an entrepreneur instead of dealing with student debt?

What should i do about college if i want to become an entrepreneur instead of dealing with student debt?

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Jasie852 views

When you pay taxes, how much money gets taken or given back?

Taxes are filed by adults every year. as a young adult, it will be my first year paying them. How much money gets taken or given back? How do you make sure that you're paying the correct amount and not getting extra income taken?

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Annabelle1042 views

How can I get money?

I want to know what I can do to get money how to get it when or why I can't get it so I'm wondering if you know what can help me start at a young age now to get it?

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Cherish854 views

What can I do to increase my finances?

I like to increase my finances by a lot and also have a good time so I would like help on how to do that because I just feel like I'm at the right age for it and can do it

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akua450 views

Whats a good website to look for scholarships #Fall22?

Whats a good website to look for scholarships #Fall22

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Eloise813 views

Entrepreneur vs. Employed by Company

Do you think people are more successful self employed or employed by a company?

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Cyon955 views

Consulting Case Question - College Junior

Hi there! My names Cyon and I'm a rising college junior at FAMU. I wanted to ask what resources are available for generating case experience for consulting in the finance area as well as Deals and Mergers and Acquisitions?

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Vernon4474 views

How do I initially begin buying and selling stocks? Should I look into day trading penny stocks ? Or should I invest larger amounts into a few companies and wait until I can sell the stock for more than I paid ?

Im Just Now Looking To Invest In a Few Companies To Make Some Money, I Just Have No Clue Where To Start. #StockMarket #Business #investing #personal-finance #finance

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Samantha1074 views

Dealing with debt

How is everyone else dealing with all the student loan debt? When I get out of PT school I will be looking at $100,000 in debt. While I will be loving what I do, that number gives me anxiety. How is everyone paying off their student loan debt? #debt #personal-finance #student-loans #anxiety

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Emily864 views

What are the pros/cons of living at school vs. commuting. #campuslife #trafficjam

I want to live at School, my pocketbook says I have to commute. I live 45 minutes from campus on a no traffic, best case scenario commute. I am concerned about the time, stress and safety of this twice daily commute and will talk to my advisor about maximizing classes on certain days so as not having to travel everyday. I will also see if there are some online classes in my curriculum I can take. I am concerned I will be missing out on an important part of my college experience by not living on campus. I really don't want to incur a huge debt, but I don't qualify for any Grants or free money. It's so difficult to determine what's best for me now vs. what's best in the long run. #campuslife #trafficjam #personal-finance

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