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Jeff Burke’s Avatar

Jeff Burke

Financial Advisor
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
San Francisco, California
3 Answers
1809 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Meng’s Avatar
Meng Apr 09, 2014 4152 views

What do commissions look like for a seasoned stock broker?

I am a junior in high school. #money #investing #dinero #broker #commissions #stock

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Mar 27, 2018 1655 views

How do I balance spending and saving?

My instinct is to spend only what I have to, then spend the rest on luxuries. What are some strategies for developing healthy financial practices? #college-advice
#personal-finance #savings

Leo’s Avatar
Leo Sep 27, 2022 435 views

What should I consider when choosing a college major?

I am not entirely sure of what major I want to for sure do but I hav business and economics in mind and business in entrepreneurship.