Dawit’s Career Goals
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Best way to get internships?
I am a high school junior and I was wondering what is the best way to get internships for computer science. Should I email companies around my area asking for a free internship?

What extracurriculars should I participate in to make myself a better applicant as a junior in highschool?
Right now I am a junior in High School and my extracurriculars aren't the best but I want to go to a good college I think it would help if I strengthened my extracurriculars so I was wondering what extracurriculars I should try.

What classes are good to take in highschool if I want to go into a computer field ?
I am a junior in highschool, and I love things that are tech related and want to pursue my career further but I am unsure of what classes to take my senior year. I am taking AP computer science principles right now with intent to take computer science A next year.

Highschool jobs?
When is it a good time to get your first job? is getting a job during highschool a good idea?