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Idy Spezzano’s Avatar

Idy Spezzano

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Geneva, Illinois
2 Answers
19185 Reads
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Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan Oct 18, 2022 12684 views

What do you like most about your job /career?

What is a typical week or day for you well you are at work?

How do the people treat you?

How many hours do you work?

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Oct 17, 2022 6435 views

Are there jobs and opportunities that are available in psychology prior to getting your master's degree??

Hi! I am interested in psychology, but I know that to get the most successful career, it is helpful to have a master's degree. I was wondering if there are any jobs available in psychology after earning your bachelor's? Can I be in school for my master's degree and still have a stable job in...