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Keziah’s Avatar


Rexburg, Idaho
2 Questions
161 Karma

Keziah’s Career Goals

I want to do a lot of good in the world and I think that is possible with the right research and cooperation. I always say I want to do research to influence public policy but I don't know what that would actually look like or if it would be effective. Eventually, I want to do things that will help leaders make positive changes in society.

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Keziah Nov 12, 2022 859 views

What jobs or internships should I look for in my last year of my bachelor’s degree in sociology?

I have a little over a year until I get my bachelor’s degree in sociology. I think I will take a year or two off to work then go back to school to get a masters. Until then, what kind of job or internship can I look for that studies social science? I would love to do research that helps impact...

Keziah’s Avatar
Keziah Nov 10, 2022 756 views

What entry-level jobs will lead well into a social science research career?

What entry-level jobs will lead well into social science research jobs? I am finishing up my Bachelor's degree in Sociology and want to know what possible careers I could pursue to do a lot of good in the world. I always say I want to do research to influence public policy but I don't know what...