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Cincinnati, Ohio
2 Questions
121 Karma

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Nayah’s Avatar
Nayah May 24, 2016 2034 views

I am interested also in PR public relations career. What type of degree will this be under and what type of job will I look for under PR

Want more information for public relation degree and career information. Where are the best location for public relations jobs #business #entertainment #public-relations

Nayah’s Avatar
Nayah May 24, 2016 1179 views

I just graduated from high school and will be attending college in the Fall. I have decided to major in Business Administration and I want to know what will be the best concentration to study under business administration

I would like to know what will be best to concentrate in under business administration. For example: entrepreneurship management, international business, management, marketing, sports & entertainment management or supply chain management. #business #management #international-business #sport