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Cleveland, Ohio
3 Questions
106 Karma

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Angeline Feb 18, 2023 1109 views

What does it take to become a dental lab technician ?

What schooling do I have to do to become a dental lab tech ? Like what degrees do I need if any & what schooling would I have to do

Also if I have a AS in dental hygiene already what would I have to do to become a dental lab tech if the steps would be different

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Angeline Jan 06, 2023 1482 views

can I major in dental hygiene and take biology & when completed I will have what I need to apply for dental school to be an orthodontist ?

Also if I complete school for the dental hygiene is that considered being an undergraduate ?

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Angeline Jan 05, 2023 3123 views

What do i major in to be an orthodontist?

What do I major in if I want to be an orthodontist? Like if I wanted to can I major in dental hygienist to be an orthodontist ? If not what am I able to major in ?