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Christian Winter’s Avatar

Christian Winter

Telecom Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Dallas, Texas
3 Answers
6554 Reads
12 Karma

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Oliver’s Avatar
Oliver Jan 10 3091 views

How should I prepare for a technical interview?

What are the best ways to prepare for a technical interview? What kinds of problems will they ask?

Asa’s Avatar
Asa Jan 19 1323 views

How did you continue to pursue such a difficult career with everyone telling you to “have a realistic plan”?

I’m still a freshman in high school but acting is my passion and I’ve never been more sure of wanting to do something for the rest of my life so I just want to know. It might be worth noting that I’m also good at script writing which is the career my parents are trying to nudge me more towards...

Amna’s Avatar
Amna Jan 20 2932 views

What is the best course to study in college?

Hi, I'm 14 years old grade 9th student. I'm good in science but also interested in enterpreneur. What is the best course for me to study in college?