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Anna Cunningham’s Avatar

Anna Cunningham

Copywriter / Technical writer and manager
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Morristown, New Jersey
2 Answers
1022 Reads
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Diana’s Avatar
Diana May 31, 2018 1002 views

How would a copyeditor know which "grammar" to use?

In the English language, there are so many different ways to use grammar, but there aren't any set rules on which ways are correct; it's more just a matter of belief (example: the Oxford comma). I realize that a particular university will teach their own beliefs about grammar, but I'm concerned...

monasia’s Avatar
monasia Jan 27, 2023 625 views

how does this help me find a job?

will this career village app help me find a good job for me