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David Wu’s Avatar

David Wu

Research Professional
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Palo Alto, California
6 Answers
4184 Reads
1 Karma

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Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia Feb 12, 2023 1293 views

What job would you reccommend for lab work and research other than chemistry and microbiology?

For example, working with cells, tissue, etc. As well as working with microscopes, possible genetic engineering, bacteria.

Ryley’s Avatar
Ryley Oct 31, 2022 1022 views

How to find my passion in highschool?

How is a junior in highschool suppose to know what they want to do for the rest of their life? I feel like I need to know so I can plan what college to go to but need advice please. I want to make at decent money but don’t know if I want to do something in the medical field or business field?

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Jan 24, 2023 803 views

What are the challenges in Medical assisting?

As someone interested in medical assisting as a potential career, what are some challenges you face on a daily basis? How do you cope with said challenges?

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Jan 24, 2023 390 views

What do employers look for when hiring for medical assitants?

What do employers desire out of potential employees for medical assistance? What draws you in?

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Jan 30, 2023 591 views

What is the best thing to do in high school to prepare for a future career?

I am currently in high school in my junior year.

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Jan 24, 2023 580 views

What goes on daily as a medical assitant?

I understand being in the medical field that you certainly won't have to wait long until you are on your feet, but how busy is it in your typical workday?