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Ryan McSorley’s Avatar

Ryan McSorley

Construction Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Sacramento, California
5 Answers
3407 Reads
21 Karma

Active Locations

Qinglin’s Avatar
Qinglin Mar 15, 2023 1193 views

What are your major motivations helping us out on this platform?

I have asked some questions at career village and the answers I got were extremely helpful and supportive as well. I am very grateful for the help from all the people who answered my questions. I am really curious about what prompts you to help us out in this way, and why you choose to help us...

DEJAME’s Avatar
DEJAME Mar 20, 2023 484 views

Is that you do fun?

Why do what you do now?

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Jan 30, 2023 591 views

What is the best thing to do in high school to prepare for a future career?

I am currently in high school in my junior year.

Edwin’s Avatar
Edwin Jan 30, 2023 808 views

Doubted your major choice?

Have you ever doubted your choice of major during college and what did you do about it?

Kameron’s Avatar
Kameron Jan 30, 2023 412 views

?What is the key for college

Every time I think about college it just a lot i want to play basketball for a college or professional.