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Nicole Norelli’s Avatar

Nicole Norelli

Vendor Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Ormond Beach, Florida
5 Answers
3707 Reads
11 Karma

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Blake’s Avatar
Blake Feb 15, 2023 751 views

what would be a good starting job for a 14 year old saving up for a car??

Just Wondering.

Leeton’s Avatar
Leeton Feb 05, 2023 1377 views

Would you be willing to participate in a survey about remote work environments and its impact on job satisfaction?

Hey, I'm a high school student conducting a research project on how your home workspace impacts your job satisfaction. If you work remotely could you complete this survey, it takes about 5 minutes. This is a repost from a previous question, but I was hoping to get five more responses before I...

seema’s Avatar
seema Feb 15, 2023 1239 views

how can i stop procrastinating?

how do i reduce my procrastination? If anyone could provide some useful methods?

Yong Can’s Avatar
Yong Can Jan 30, 2023 394 views

What are some good ideas to start off a career path?

What are some good ideas to start off a career path?

Braden’s Avatar
Braden Jan 30, 2023 344 views

How do I find a career with my passions and hobbies?

I'm a junior in high school and don't really know what I wanna do yet.