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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
4 Questions
577 Karma

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Qinglin’s Avatar
Qinglin Mar 15, 2023 868 views

What aspects do data science job interviews typically cover?

I am graduating by the end of this year and have started building my resume and preparing for job interviews. I wonder if there is a "leet code" equivalence in the ds field that I should be working on? What types of questions do a data science job interview typically includes? Thank you in...

Qinglin’s Avatar
Qinglin Mar 15, 2023 1190 views

What are your major motivations helping us out on this platform?

I have asked some questions at career village and the answers I got were extremely helpful and supportive as well. I am very grateful for the help from all the people who answered my questions. I am really curious about what prompts you to help us out in this way, and why you choose to help us...

Qinglin’s Avatar
Qinglin Mar 15, 2023 766 views

How would the release of GPT4.0 affect the job market in machine learning/natural language processing?

Given the latest advancements in GPT4.0, is the field of ML/NLP still a promising field to enter after graduation? How effects would those large language models have on the current jobs in the field ML/NLP?

Qinglin’s Avatar
Qinglin Feb 09, 2023 778 views

What types of jobs am I suitable for after graduation?

I am taking data science and nlp curriculum, but I am not sure if i will be able to find a job in this field. I came from a non-tech undergrad program, and the current grad problem that I am enrolled in is related to educational tech, but I am taking many ml, ds, and nlp curriculum.