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Zhiyuan’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
2 Questions
207 Karma

Zhiyuan’s Career Goals

I don't have a career goal yet, so I'm looking for advice, I'm interested in the computer science district, particularly software engineering or computer programming.



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Zhiyuan May 10, 2023 717 views

What should we do for interview?

What can we do to prepare for the interview? How can we increase the hiring percentage through the interview process? How can we have a good reputation?

Zhiyuan’s Avatar
Zhiyuan Feb 21, 2023 549 views

Why do we need to learn how to prepare for our careers and how does it help our future?

I used to participate in a lot of career programs to learn something about how to write a resume. And I also get to know the college system as well. However, I still feel that's not enough.