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Ava’s Avatar


Otsego, Minnesota
4 Questions
421 Karma

Ava’s Career Goals

I want a career that pays enough to sustain myself and enjoy doing.



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Ava’s Avatar
Ava Dec 14, 2023 4812 views

What steps should I take for pursuing a career in film CGI?

I’m considering a career in film CGI. At first, I was thinking film directing, but I’m not sure if that is an obtainable/reasonable career choice. I know that if I worked hard enough, I could probably land a few jobs here and there, but I also don’t want to be stuck directing advertisements and...

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Ava Feb 24, 2023 955 views

How do you know which type of Editor you want to be?

I am thinking of pursuing editing as a career, but I do not know if I should pursue an editing job for magazines, newspapers, or books, or go into advertising. I know advertising is where the money is at, but I love to read. I applied for my school's yearbook class to get some experience, but I...

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Ava Feb 24, 2023 985 views

What does it take to be a Film Director, and is this an attainable career?

I am interested in being a film director, but I do not know if this is something I should seriously pursue. I love watching movies and documentaries on how movies are made, but I don't know if I could actually make it in the film production world. I don't want to chase an unrealistic dream.

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Ava Feb 22, 2023 1559 views

What to look for in a college...

How do I know what colleges to look at if I do not know what I want to major in? What should I look for in a college to know if it is right for me?