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Ava’s Avatar
Ava Oct 28 245 views

What career should I go for that involves both psychology an calculus?

I'm a senior in high school and I think I've decided to do something related to psychology. However, I heard that psychology doesn't involve much math beyond statistics and I think my skills lie in conceptual math like calculus. Any recommendations for my next course of action or major?

Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve Oct 22 718 views

What codes/programs do Data Scientists usually use?

Python, C+, etc

Destinee’s Avatar
Destinee Sep 01, 2022 852 views

Trying to change careers

I have a degree in Neuroscience and a job history in the medical field (mostly administrative). I am really trying to shift gears into data analytics, but even entry-level positions require some experience. I have taken courses to build technical skills however most employers don't understand...

marwan’s Avatar
marwan Dec 05, 2022 1185 views

should i get 1 or 2 minors or none as a supply chain major?

Should I get a minor in either data analysis or btm (business technology management) as a supply chain major or is it better to get a minor in both? or is no minor okay as well

Riley’s Avatar
Riley Dec 14, 2022 804 views

How would one go about finding a job in marketing and/or advertising?

Are there certain degrees or experience that you would need in order to apply for such jobs? Or are there ways to apply for internships and/or get hired and then trained?