Career questions tagged supply-chain

Anyone here have experience in operations and supply chain management What does an average day at the office look like? What do you specifically manage at work? ?
Senior interested in supply chain management.

Anybody here studying operations managment, operations and supply chain management or logistics? How is it? What’s the course load like? Why’d you get into it? Anything else you want to share!
I’m a senior interested in studying operations and supply chain! I’m just looking for more information about this business field.

What is work life balance like in supply chain management careers?
I'm wondering what the work life balance in supply chain management careers is like?

Should I go for a APICS cert before I graduate?
Hello all, I am currently in my senior year pursuing a BS in SCM. I have been rejected from multiple internships and I’m wondering if it’s because I am not at a top school for SCM. To help me out with job prospects once I graduate, I’m thinking of paying for the ASCM CSCP cert and begin working on it now, so I can have it done by the time I graduate. Is this a good idea? Will it help my job prospects or will my degree be enough? I want to graduate and hit the ground running!

how much time does an average truck driver get off all together ?
I'm curious about this career

My degree is supply chain management, is it worth it to pursue a masters?
My degree is supply chain management. Is it worth it getting a masters? how much salary increase are we talking? Is it better to go up the corporate ladder and secure a managerial position. Everyone is telling me to get a masters but I am a person that genuinely hates school. Always did. I'm not worried about the money because eventually I will find a way to make big bank. I just feel lately that a supply chain degree alone without a masters is like useless. Also I need top marks in all of my courses if I want to do masters and to be honest I just want to pass and relax and not worry about getting 90's and 80's.

should i get 1 or 2 minors or none as a supply chain major?
Should I get a minor in either data analysis or btm (business technology management) as a supply chain major or is it better to get a minor in both? or is no minor okay as well

I want to be a Supply Chain Enginer, Corperate exceutive, or a high ranking supply chain offial. I was wondering what degree I should double major with supply chain management?
Does going to a prestigous university make any diffrence aqquring a job in this field? How stressful is a supply chain management major and the jobs? How would I need to network to achieve my goals?

How is Supply Chain as a domain ?
This question is for all the Supply Chain Professionals. How do you find this domain in terms of job prospects ? How did you get certified and gained work experience in this field ? Please share your experiences and any insights you can offer. Thanks. #supply-chain #logistics #logistics-and-supply-chain #supply-chain-management

How do you see meritocracy inside a company?
I am searching for an interniship, but I am seeing that sometimes people get a job easier when there is someone inside the conpany that rely on them, that has been indicated by someone else. But is it a problem for meritrocacy? I say, a person that does not have someone inside the company to indicate him. #management #civil-engineering #industrial-engineering #executive-office #logistics #energy #supply-chain #energy-engineering

How is supply chain of companies with the advancement of technology?
I am a supply chain major and i want to know if i should do a minor in Information Systems to make myself more marketable #project-management #supply-chain #supply-management