Brycen’s Career Goals
I want to research potential careers and, after deciding, find a college with a good program for that career field.

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What are the best and worst parts of being a middle/high school teacher in the US?
I'm a high school sophomore who has been considering teaching since I was in elementary school. However, I've started to wonder if that's truly the best career path for me. What are the best and worst parts of teaching middle and high schoolers? If any retired/currently working teachers answer...

How does Karma work on Career Village?
DISCLAIMER: This is not a professional question. Unless you want to fuel the childish desires of a high school sophomore, don't waste your time answering this question. (My teacher said our CareerVillage questions have to be professional, and as this is not, I'm adding this disclaimer.) I'm a...

What are the mundane tasks of middle/high school music teachers?
I'm a high school sophomore in the US who is considering going into teaching music. Every job has its tasks that are as boring as humanly possible. What are those for music teachers in the United States?

What are the job tasks and/or required college classes for high school music teachers?
I'm a sophomore in high school that's taking both band and choir. Those are likely some of my favorite classes, and I've also been considering becoming a teacher for years. What are the day-to-day job tasks for high school band and choir teachers, and what college courses are required to get there?

How does applying to colleges work if you get an AA degree while still in high school?
I'm a high school sophomore planning to take concurrent-enrollment classes with local colleges. I'm on track to get an Associate's degree, but how would that affect college applications?