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Clarkston, Michigan
2 Questions
141 Karma

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Kylie’s Avatar
Kylie May 28, 2016 2425 views

What kind of laptop would be the best for a Computer Science Major?

Hi! I'm going to be majoring in CS, but I still have a few years before I go off to college- therefore, I need something that will still be relevant and is able to update to the new software necessary for what I'll be doing in CS over the next few years. I won't be using it for gaming, so...

Kylie’s Avatar
Kylie May 28, 2016 1614 views

Advice for a Computer Science Major?

Hey! I'm going to be majoring in computer science very soon, and I've received a lot of mixed messages from people- either they're begging me to turn around and never look back because it's awful, or that majoring in this field was the greatest decision of their lives, with very little in...