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Bina N’s Avatar

Bina N

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Jose, California
3 Answers
2332 Reads
11 Karma

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Madison’s Avatar
Madison Apr 13, 2023 981 views

How do i find out what career i want to go i to?

I have done many quizzes and asked this question to many people but i still dont know what career i want to go into

sophia’s Avatar
sophia Apr 13, 2023 822 views

How can I get internships while in college ?

I would like to get an internship while in college to get a head start in my career

Maddox’s Avatar
Maddox Feb 02, 2023 851 views

Cyber Security?

What is some of the challenges with this field and what do i need to do to get ready for that career?