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Paul Kerl’s Avatar

Paul Kerl

Senior Director
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
6 Answers
12003 Reads
51 Karma

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Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Dec 03 565 views

What guidance is needed for my career path?

I am torn between what I want to pursue after college: opening up my own dance studio or teaching in a high school. I currently have a psychology education major with two business minors in entrepreneurship and business administration, so as of right now I will graduate with the experience and...

Youssef’s Avatar
Youssef May 10, 2023 378 views

Which option is promising for a tech and nature enthusiast?

I am passionate about the integration of technology into conservation biology. Which option is better?
Double Major in Ecology and Conservation Biology and Data Science
Major in Ecology and Conservation Biology + Minor in Data Science/GIS

Destynee’s Avatar
Destynee Jan 21 1691 views

Do I need to study calculus in high school to be an accountant?

I've researched it and the internet says no but the people I talk to are giving me mixed messages. I don't know who to trust on this.

caitlyn’s Avatar
caitlyn Jan 22 1629 views

why is it so important?

Why is a career so important to so many people I understand it's so we can live but why do people care what we do?

Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve Mar 09, 2023 7630 views

Best major to pair with data science?

I would like to either double-major or pair a minor with a degree in data science. What degree would be the best option: math, applied statistics, accounting, finance, marketing?
Other suggestions are welcome!

Klaire’s Avatar
Klaire Mar 22, 2023 484 views

What is the best way to start a business ?

like I said is my last Q&A I wan to be better than Gordon Ramsey so where do I start and when?