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Qiaoling Chen’s Avatar

Qiaoling Chen

4 Answers
2876 Reads
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Creator’s Avatar
Creator Apr 14, 2023 380 views

I know all these types of options that are available for me but I am still confused what to opt for, could you please help me to find one of the best career I also love reading books related to human psychology, trading, habits. psychology, gaming, football, stock-trading, spy, commando-man?

I know all these types of options that are available for me but I am still confused what to opt for, could you please help me to find one of the best career ?
I also love reading books related to human psychology, trading, habits.

psychology, gaming, football, stock-trading, spy, commando-man

Gwen’s Avatar
Gwen Apr 12, 2023 1349 views

How do you deal with stress?

In school it gets really overwhelming and stressful and the teachers and peers just keep talking making me even more stressed and i don't know anything to help my stress when i cant get out of the class.

Cody’s Avatar
Cody Apr 13, 2023 471 views

How do I get a better Job?

I am Trying to find a better job than McDonald's and would like some advice on gaining the upper hand in my life.

diana’s Avatar
diana Apr 13, 2023 771 views

How can I pursue ?

How can I pursue a career without a college degree?