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Baltimore, Maryland
4 Questions
521 Karma

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Megan’s Avatar
Megan Nov 05, 2023 663 views

Should I prioritize getting a Bachelors degree or getting job certifications?

I have a two-year degree in what is essentially digital photography (my childhood dream) that I got immediately after high school. I have since decided that this isn’t a good fit for me as a career, and have been struggling to find my first job. In 2019, I went back to my local community...

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Megan Jun 12, 2023 521 views

How can I get job interviews consistently?

I’ve been trying to find my first job for a very long time. I already customize every resume to each job application that I submit. Even though I am looking for my first job, I do have substantial volunteer experience (5 years). I know that job searching is a numbers game, but it doesn’t make...

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Megan May 10, 2023 10527 views

How did you find and get hired for your very first job?

I’ve been struggling to find my first job, and I'm curious to hear about how other people have gotten a job when they had no experience.

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Megan Apr 14, 2023 1777 views

On a scale of 1-5, how important is it to be good at public speaking if you want to work in digital marketing (with 1 being unimportant and 5 being essential)?

I’m trying to decide if digital marketing would be a good fit for me, and public speaking was listed as a necessary skill for this field. Can somebody explain why this is, and what elements of public speaking exist in the field? Are there digital marketing jobs that don’t require public speaking?