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Hung Nguyen’s Avatar

Hung Nguyen

Ph.D. in Computer Engineering
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Ames, Iowa
5 Answers
11182 Reads
32 Karma

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Darius’s Avatar
Darius Oct 25, 2016 1913 views

What does a computer engineer typically accomplish in a day of work?

I'm planning to major in computer engineering, but I'm not sure what kind of work expect and whether I want to go into computer hardware or software engineering. #computer-software #engineering #computer #computer-hardware

Reese’s Avatar
Reese Oct 23, 2016 3918 views

Should I Focus On One Programming Language Or More?

I have learned the basics Java and Visual Basic in school. Should I try to master one language or add more to my repertoire? I have been contemplating learning C# and Python. #computer-software #programming

Keon’s Avatar
Keon Oct 23, 2016 2459 views

What are a couple of things that a Computer Engineer will do on a daily basis as a job?

What I intend on Majoring in college is Computer Engineering, but I would like to know what type of expectations I should set going into this Career. #computer-science #computer-software #computer-engineering #computer-hardware

Bryan’s Avatar
Bryan Oct 20, 2016 1257 views

How do we prepare for a job interview at Google?

I want to know how to be prepared for this kind of job. #computer-science #computer-software #interviews #google #job-application

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Aug 21, 2016 1601 views

Any Tips for someone learning Mobile App Development? Specifically for Android

I am a first year Computer Science Major. #computer-science #computer-software #technology #software-engineering #software-development #java #android #mobile-applications