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Laneishka’s Avatar


New York, New York
4 Questions
91 Karma

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Laneishka’s Avatar
Laneishka May 05, 2023 1100 views

How could you determine a graphic designer's work?

How could you determine a graphic designer's work?

Laneishka’s Avatar
Laneishka May 05, 2023 535 views

What does the process of therapy look like for a psychologist?

What does the process of therapy look like?

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Laneishka May 05, 2023 534 views

What does the process of therapy looks like?

What does the process of therapy looks like?

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Laneishka May 05, 2023 1067 views

How would you describe the pros and cons of a Psychologist and a Graphic Designer?

How would you describe the pros and cons of a Psychologist and a Graphic Designer?