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Larissa Souza’s Avatar

Larissa Souza

Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
Los Angeles, California
4 Answers
3367 Reads
1 Karma

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Ursula’s Avatar
Ursula Apr 09, 2017 1094 views

Is it harder to get jobs being international?

I moved to Canada to study and I plan on working here, but I'm originally from Brazil. I know that Canada is very accepting, but I was wondering if there are any problems with getting a job being international. #international #film-production #editing #video-editing #audio-post-production

joshua’s Avatar
joshua May 09, 2023 715 views

where do you see yourself in the next couple of years ?

If im stuck on a college major i will get a personal tutor because its very important trying to figure out where i want to be in the future, i still cant answer this question

Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Apr 24, 2020 1004 views

How has quarantine changed your life style today?

How much has your life changed ever since the #coronavirus out break. What does your day mostly consist of rather it be #reading or #video games . Last of all what are you planning to achieve and be successful at after the #quarantine is lifted.

Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar May 09, 2023 1826 views

what kind of people should i surround myself with?

I think I have a somewhat clue of the kind of people i should surround myself with but i will like your guys feed back