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Jason Logsdon’s Avatar

Jason Logsdon

Social Worker
Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
3 Answers
3184 Reads
2 Karma

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Remington’s Avatar
Remington May 22, 2023 577 views

Is it better to study in public or private for tuition fees?

Been doing some research and I want to major in English and if possible get my masters though wandering would public or private be more cost effective? If possible wandering how the tuition aids work also so I can take that into perspective while searching.

Ashlyn’s Avatar
Ashlyn May 19, 2023 2366 views

What is the best way to find my passion?

There are a lot of things I like a little, but nothing that has made me want to do it for the rest of my life. I feel lost and confused sometimes, or like it's too late to develop a new passion (even though I know it isn't.) I am really interested in doing something creative and personal,...